Links Earth Trustee Earth Trustee Registry Earth Magna Charta Earth Charter Earth Day The 77 Theses Earth Day Founder Global Peace Blitz Commandments of Jesus Earth_Day_Vision_for_Peace Justice_and_Earth_Care autobiography by McConnell Star of Hope Biography of John McConnell by Robert M. Weir |
2017 Earth Day Monday, March 20, 2017 Equinox at 6:29 AM EDT or 10:29 UTC March 20 (Greenwich, England) in San Francisco honored John McConnell. It was the inaugural event of EASE Initiative (Environmental Accountability for a Sustainable Earth). For more information, click on EASE October 4, 2007 On June 26, 1965, the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the United Nations charter, a "Minute for Peace" message featuring UN Secretary General U Thant was broadcast on all major U.S. radio networks, by United Nations radio, by networks in other countries, and by international short wave radio. Since then, all over the globe, we who have pledged ourselves as Earth Trustees have taken a minute each December 22 to meditate and pray for peace. Again this year we ask you to join us in this effort to help bring peace. Can a "Minute for Peace" become a minute of goodwill observed in unison around the world? Will it irresistibly move the leaders of men into paths of peace? Will the hearts and minds of people in all countries be touched by the Holy Spirit with the peace and love that bring men into the Kingdom of God? What has happened so far seemed utterly impossible at first. Who knows what may happen if we put our faith to work and use the power of the Spirit to solve the problem of the sword? On December 22, 2011, join with Earth Trustees all over the world in dedicating your hearts during a "Minute for Peace." Let every radio and TV station fill the day with minutes of music and words that inspire peaceful actions. Help us unite as one human family in new understanding and care for this wonderful nest in the stars: Planet Earth, our home. Let us know your plans for "Minute for Peace Day" so that we may publicize them here. as guests of honor in Laguna Beach, California as the City of Laguna Beach celebrated Earth Day. For details of events in 2009 contact Charles Michael Murray in Laguna Beach, via (see below). ![]() By John McConnell Four billion years ago Our lonely Earth Set sail on cosmic seas Guided by an unseen hand Of nature, God or chance. As life evolved Through endles eco-cycles Man was born, destined To destroy or enrich the Precious Ship. And now his hand Has seized the tiller But his ear has not Yet caught the Captain's Quiet command. The sails are down, the ship becalmed, Its fragil life at stake. No longer do we ride the gentle swells of Silent seas and breathe The fragrant air. Broken are the rhythms Of our cyclic plants And other living things. But now the Captain speaks again Our quiet thoughts at last reveal his voice. "Hoist the sails, Earth Man. Set them for celestial winds. Hold the tiler firm, The course ahead is clear." Be He nature, God or chance His voice is heard And we shall heed The Captain's quiet command. We urge world leaders to speak out for a Global Minute for Peace. Efforts by world leaders to speak out for this annual event could result in new hope and a new beginning for the whole human family. The date of December 22 can be designated Global Minute for Peace Day, and celebrated worldwide every year. "Minute for Peace -- December 22, Provides the Way to Global Peace" *** *** *** "Earth Day Lighthouse 2006" *** *** *** "Star of Wonder" *** *** *** Next Life and This Life Reflection on the Meaning of Life Magic Bullet POPE - Peace on Planet Earth Honor the Founder of Earth Day!! John McConnell -- born March 22, 1915 died October 20, 2012 He was 97. Earth's Resurrection · New List -- Websites and groups honoring the equinox Earth Day, March 20-21 · People who have registered as Earth Trustees (updated for October, 2005). - Cities proclaiming March 20 as Earth Day - Laguna Beach CA 2006 & 2007, San Francisco 2007, Berkeley 2005, and Denver 2005 See Below
Archival Collection of John McConnell's Papers and Documents, Swarthmore Library Information about attending the Annual International Earth Day at the United Nations is found at How to Celebrate Earth Day News Note: Mr. and Mrs. McConnell attended the Peace Bell ceremony at the United Nations in New York City on March 20 (1:49 a.m. EST), 2004. Mr. McConnell delivered his annual Earth Day message as the chief speaker.
Global Peace Blitz
The purpose of this Earth Site is to get attention for the Earth Day Idea --
All individuals and institutions have a mutual responsibility to act as Trustees of Earth, seeking the choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, foster peaceful progress, awaken the wonder of life, and realize the best potential for the future of the human adventure. |
"The earth will continue to regenerate its life sources only as long as we and all the peoples of the world do our part to conserve its natural resources. It is a responsibility which every human being shares. Through voluntary action, each of us can join in building a productive land in harmony with nature."
President Gerald Ford
Proclaiming March 21st as Earth Day
"EARTH DAY uses one of humanity’s great discoveries, the discovery of anniversaries by which, throughout time, human beings have kept their sorrows and their joys, their victories, their revelations and their obligations alive, for re-celebration and re-dedication another year, another decade, another century, another eon. EARTH DAY reminds the people of the world of the need for continuing care which is vital to Earth’s safety. …EARTH DAY draws on astronomical phenomena in a new way; using the vernal equinox, the time when the Sun crosses the equator making night and day of equal length in all parts of theEarth. To this point in the annual calendar, EARTH DAY attaches no local or divisive set of symbols, no statement of the truth or superiority of one way of life over another. But the selection of the March equinox makes planetary observance of a shared event possible.
"The vernal equinox calls on all mankind to recognize and respect Earth’s beautiful systems of balance, between the presence of animals on land, the fish in the sea, birds in the air, mankind, water, air, and land. Most importantly there must always be awareness of the actions by people that can disturb this precious balance."
Margaret Mead
Read Margaret Mead's 1977 Earth Day Statement
Season of Peace 2003
November 22 - December 22
Minute for Peace Day -- December 22
Why the March Equinox is the Only True Earth Day
Earth Day: Past, Present, Future
by Lee Lawrence and John McConnell
Earth Day is not April 22
The Real Earth Day
Information about Earth Day 2017 will be posted when available.
"Every Living Thing"
Song by Ervin Drake dedicated to John McConnell
September 7, 2000:
Gorbachev Signs Earth Day Proclamation
Visit some interesting
links concerning John McConnell, Earth Day, and the Earth Trustee Idea.
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Millions of people around the world are reached through our internet sites and many are becoming Earth Trustees. Earth Day, celebrated on the Spring or Vernal Equinox, is the most significant day of the year for the environment, because people from all nations, backgrounds, races, colors, religions, and all other human-made barriers celebrate Earth as our common planetary home. If you are doing anything concrete with the ideas put forth by John McConnell and the Earth Trustee Idea, please write to us and we will post them. Take care of Earth -- It's our home. Become an Earth Trustee. Help us spread the message. 4924 E. Kentucky Circle Denver, CO 80246 Phone: 303-758-7687 Thank you for your support. |
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March 3, 2017
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