Minute for Peace

John McConnel's Address to the NEA about the "Minute for Peace"
June 29, 1965 Madison Square Garden. NYC

Minute for Peace

John McConnell began his "Minute for Peace" campaign with a broadcast on December 22, 1963, ending the mourning period for the late president, John F. Kennedy. On June 26, 1965, McConnell spoke at the National Education Association Convention in Madison Square Garden, where the public came together for a "Minute for Peace"

Dedicated to the memory of Yehudi Menuhin
By John McConnell
Founder of the 1st Earth Day

It was three days before Christmas - And on valley and hill
A Minute for Peace - Joined hearts in good will.
We are one human family - Was the message brought
By the pictures on TV - Where before people fought.
This day then began - A Campaign for Earth
To eliminate poverty - Pollution and dearth.
For when people and groups - Seek a goal all can share
We’ll treat neighbor and nature - With heartfelt care.
Our planet is suffering - From shortsighted greed
But as Trustees of Earth - We’ll meet our Earth’s need.

December 22, 1998 was the 35th anniversary of the first “Minute for Peace”, a universal radio and TV broadcast which ended the period of mourning for President John F. Kennedy. On that occasion (December 22, 1963) the recorded voice of President Kennedy speaking the year before at the United Nations implored, "Together we can save our planet."

The idea of Minute for Peace became popular and played a role in ending the war between Pakistan and India in 1966. United Nations Delegates from both sides publicly joined in silent prayer as they were asked to meditate on peace and good will – with determination to overcome hatred and injury with the power and benefit of reconciliation and cooperation.

Minute for Peace became the centerpiece of Earth Day, when we invite people world-wide to join in two minutes of silent prayer or reflection as the Peace Bell at the United Nations is rung at the moment Spring begins.

Peace begins in the mind. The repeated participation by friends and adversaries, in heartfelt thoughts and silent prayers for peace when the Peace Bell was rung each year on Earth Day, helped end the Cold War.

On Earth Day 1999 – Saturday, March 20-- radio, TV and live Web sites are urged to program this minute - and the following minute, with appropriate music.
Or they may give live coverage to the Ringing of the United Nations Peace Bell at the moment of Equinox:
Saturday, March 20 at 8:46 p.m. EST
(Global Time: 0146 GMT Sunday, March 21).

This world-wide simultaneous event can be preceded by announcements that will prepare people for the opportunity to tap the best of their religious values – to join hearts and minds in loving faith that wherever there is hate, fear or conflict, peace will prevail.
To friends and other interested parties. This is a pilot project with great promise. We hope you will help make it work.

MINUTE FOR PEACE DAY -- Dec. 22, 2001

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Day (December 7)
reminds us of the terrible tragedy that occurred to most of the world when modern weapons were used to settle differences between powerful nations. Pearl Harbor was followed by World War II and Hiroshima.
On December 7, the beginning of the Christmas season, we usually are shown vivid horrible images on TV depicting what happened. But today we know that "Hatred does not cease by hatred. Hatred ceases only by love." Gandhi, and others, have demonstrated non-violent methods of opposing what was wrong. Martin Luther King described the power of love in his book "Strength To Love" -- and gave his life to prove it. Now, strength to "kill" is being advocated as a necessity. Hundreds of billions are being spent on armaments. If half as much money were spent on Minute for Peace and the Earth Trustee agenda, there would be no more wars.

Let's reverse Pearl Harbor.

Actions good or bad begin in the mind. Here is a way to reverse the damage done to our thinking by what happened at Pearl Harbor. December not only marks Pearl Harbor, it also marks Christmas. With our entrance into the new millennium, Christmas is of increasing importance, with its message of "Peace and Good Will."

There was a global Minute for Peace Day on December, 22, 1963. That was when we ended the period of mourning for President Kennedy with a global minute of silent prayer for peace on our planet. Broadcast on radio throughout the world, that special minute (1 p.m. in Dallas, 1900 GMT) affected people globally and inspired efforts that later resulted in Earth Day with its emphasis on peace, justice and the care of Earth.

Let's turn the tables on Pearl Harbor by joining worldwide in a Minute for Peace -- at 1900 GMT, December 22 -- just three days before Christmas with its theme of Peace and Good Will. Christmas can then be a turning toward peace, with our neighbor and our world.

Earth Trustees

A new idea that came from Minute for Peace and Earth Day, was the idea that we can now all think of ourselves as Trustees of Earth. In this age of Space exploration we know -- more than former generations -- that we are one human family and have only one Earth. With care and use of new technology we can now eliminate poverty, pollution and violence. All we need is a clear vision of our goal and reports on Internet of every successful effort to think and act as Trustees of Earth -- in ecology, economics and ethics. This course of action can appeal to the most people on our planet and do the most good.

Then a new spirit of cooperation will engulf the world. With the money we formerly spent on wars we can make our planet a Garden of Eden.

As we honestly work together we will see all around us the waste of wealth and its unfair monopolization by those in power. The solution is not to condemn those in positions of power, but to demonstrate solutions and win their support -- not by the power of money or military might -- but by the power of truth, of good ideas and good will.

Then with the power of the words "Love one another" we will reverse Pearl Harbor and welcome the beginning of an era of peaceful progress in the new millennium. All that is required for Minute for Peace to succeed is for people to know about it.

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